Category Archives: Uncategorized

How to Ethically STEAL Traffic & Make EASY Sales Using My “Youtube Piggy-Back Traffic” Formula


You gotta admit, Youtube’s pretty awesome, right.

And that’s not just because you can watch cat videos all day long either.

Oh no, I mean, from a marketer’s perspective…

For starters, it’s an awesome way to brand yourself as an authority in your niche.

Peeps see your videos, realise you know your shit, and instantly assume you’re an authority.

And the traffic you can drive from Youtube… Oh I’m tellin’ ya, it’s crazy, man.

The traffic you get is 100% free and it’s totally “set & forget” too.

So yeah, you can literally smash it online if you know what you’re doing.

Pretty sweet, right, but it ain’t all sunshine and rainbows I’m afraid…

Problem is, Youtube – from a marketer’s perspective – is like, the worse kept secret, ever.

I mean, lets face it…

What I’ve just told you ain’t some shocking revelation or anything.

In fact, I should imagine you’ve known for years the awesomeness of Youtube.

So, as you can imagine, getting results from Youtube is getting harder and harder everyday.

Especially with every Tom, Dick and Harry jumping on the bandwagon, wanting their cut.

So what’s a marketer to do, huh?

Well never fear ’cause Jimmy’s here to save to day 🙂

You see, I accidentally stumbled across something the other week…

Kinda thought it was fluke when I first did it, in fact.

So I tried it again… It worked.

Thinking I got lucky for the second time, so I did it again.

And guess what? Yup, you guessed right… It worked again like a charm.

But what makes this NEW fangled method awesome is this…

Once again, it’s FREE to implement and it only takes a couple of minutes to do, tops.

So I bet you want in on this little ol’ secret, eh?

Well here’s what I’ve decided to do:

As you’re a loyal reader, and as Jimmy does indeed love ya…

I’ve decided to walk you step by step through this entire process right here.

So that said and done, here’s how to do it:

===Tools & Resources Mentioned in the Video===

Free “$688 a day” video course <= one guy made $25K in 30 days doing this!


You gotta admit, that was pretty awesome, right.

Well, guess what, it gets better, my friend…

For a limited time, I’m giving aways my BEST course for free.

Yes, you read right, it’s blinkin’ free and you can get instant access to it right now.

But before you jump all over it like a rash, I wanna tell you why you need this in your life right now.

You see, there’s a few things that make this TRULY epic:

  • First up, it’s 100% FREE to implement.
  • Brain-numbingly EASY to do – no previous experience required.
  • Brings in lightning FAST results.

And hey, when I say “lightning fast results” I really do mean it…

In fact, there was one guy who got access and boy did he smash it out of the park.

He ended up rating in over $25K in JUST 30 days of implementing it


Pretty sweet, right. Just make sure to grab it ASAP that’s all…

Why? ‘Cause it won’t be available for much longer, you see.

In fact, I plan on selling it in the near future – big-ass affiliate style launch as it goes.

So if you want it NOW for FREE instead of paying to get it later, then click the link now.

See you on the other side 🙂


How to get PROVEN “Buyer” Traffic to your Website FAST – FREE Step by Step Training

You know, some peeps think can you send traffic to a offer and BOOM, you make money.

After all, it makes sense, right – but like most things in life – it ain’t as simple as that.

So you’re probably like “Why, James, Why? I need answers, god dammit!”.

Well, you’re in luck ’cause your uncle Jimmy’s gonna spill the beans for ya 😉

You see, it all boils down to the quality of your traffic.

I mean, think about it…

I could send 10 million views to your site right now.


But if it’s all bot traffic… You ain’t gonna make diddly-squat, man.

So what you need is REAL human traffic to your site.

Sounds obvious, right – but once again – it ain’t as simple as that.

You see, not all human traffic is equal – some converts better than others.

(And some is so bad… You may as well just stick with bot traffic!)

So the question is: what’s the BEST kind of human traffic you can get your grubby little mitts on, eh?

Well, the best kind of human traffic, without a shadow of doubt, is “buyer traffic”.

And wow… This is like the holy grail of traffic generation.

I mean, you only need a TINY trickle of this stuff and you’ll make a TON of EASY sales QUICKLY

But where do you get this awesomely powerful “buyer traffic” from?

Well – once again – your uncle Jimmy got you covered on this too 🙂

Here’s what I’ve done:

I’ve shot a video sharing a quick and easy place you can get some tasty buyer traffic.

In fact, if you follow what I say, you can get the traffic rolling as soon as today.

Sounds awesome, right… Well here’s how to do it:

===Tool & Resources Mentioned in the Video===

Free “$688 a Day” Video Course <= Someone made $25K in 30 days doing this!

So what did you think? Pretty cool, right.

Well, if you enjoyed that and you want more awesomeness from me, then listen up…

For a extremely limited time, I’m giving away my BEST internet marketing course free.

Yup, you heard right, my best training absolutely FREE

In fact, I’m certain you’re gonna be blown away when you see it…

Why? Well first up, it’s 100% FREE to implement.

Straight up, it won’t cost you a single cent to put it into action.

Secondly, this is brain-dead simple to to profit from.

Seriously, it’s so easy to do, even your gran with ZERO computer knowledge could do this.

And last but definitely not least… This bad boy brings in lightning fast results too.

In fact, one guy who got access to this training ended up making $25K in 30 days

Just make sure to take massive action right now as I’ll be pulling it down later.

So click on the button below while it’s still available for FREE.


Evergreen Wealth Formula Updates Incoming + Important News


Listen, I’ve got 3 very important announcement for you today.

So please, make sure to read everything as it involves you.

First up, I’m completely overhauling the Youtube module in the EWF.

This is the all new methods I’m using right now to dominate Youtube.

It’s powerful stuff and nobody else is teaching it.

Oh, it’s also 100% FREE to implement now… Pretty awesome, right

And of course, if you’re a EWF member, you get this update absolutely free.

Second up: I’ll be updating the SDC (Sameday Commissions) to version 2.

If you’ve never heard of SDC then let me explain…

It’s a course on how to make $100 – $200 a day on the sameday of implementing it

Not only is it really EASY to do, but it’s FREE to implement as well.

And guess what… All EWF members get this free too 🙂

(I’ll be updating the rest of the EWF course… But I’ll be focusing on these 2 things first)

I’m not gonna give you a date ’cause I’m not sure when they’ll be ready.

I’ll just email you and your EWF accounts will update automatically.

But that said, the Youtube module will be updated in about a month.

SDC will be updated afterwards with additional updates to the rest of the course soon after.

Not a EWF member? No worries, I’ve got something cool for you too 🙂

I’ve got a new video tutorial sharing a awesome method I stumbled across.

This will help anyone who wants to make money or generate traffic fast.

It’ll be hitting your inbox about a week, so keep your eyes opened for it.

Anyway, that’s the 3 things I wanted to share with you today.

If you’ve got any questions, hit me up and I’ll get back to you ASAP.

So till then… Stay awesome my friend,

P.S. If you’re not a EWF member but want access and all this new training free when it’s ready plus a whole let more, then you can become a member here.

How to Make HUGE Windfalls of Cash Perpetually EVERYDAY on Complete Auto-Pilot


I’m not gonna lie…

What you’re about to see makes me A LOT of money.

And I’m pretty sure – when you put it into action – you’ll get awesome results too.

So what makes this particular money-getting method so powerful, huh?

Well first up, it’s completely automated…

Once you’ve got this badboy setup, it’ll bring in TRUE set & forget income for life.

Secondly, you can scale it up to whatever income level you desire.

Seriously, if you wanna make $1000 a day… It’s entirely possible with this.

Now the version I’ll be sharing with you is the supped up version I’m using right now.

So when you put this into action, you should literally hit the ground running.

Sounds good, right… Well here’s how to do it:

===Tools & Resources Mentioned in the Video===

Free “$688 a day” course <== Someone made $25K in 30 days doing this

Now if you enjoyed today’s training… Then you’re gonna love this next piece of awesomeness.

For a limited time, I’m giving away some of my best training… For free!

Yup, you read right…

You can get my training absolutely free when you take action today.

I think you’re gonna dig it when you see, actually.

Why? Because this free training is really EASY to profit from.

You don’t need hosting, domain… Or any of that stuff.

In fact, you don’t even need a website, full stop.

Just follow the simple instructions and you’ll be setup and profiting in no time.

And talking of setting up in no time… This brings in FAST results.

Seriously, I think you’ll be blown away how fast you can make money with this.

In fact, one guy who used the exact training you’re getting, made $25K in 30 days.

So if you wanna make money quickly and easily then you really need to check this out.

Just make sure to take action right now otherwise you could miss out.

So click the button below to get your free copy.

See you on the other side 🙂


How to EASILY Make Your FIRST $100 Today From Scratch Using This FREE Trick


Right then… Are you ready for more awesomeness?

You better be ’cause I’ve got a cool little treat I think you’re gonna dig 🙂

And don’t worry – it’s completely FREE so it won’t cost you a single cent.

Okay, so what is it?

I’ve just made a NEW training sharing my latest money-getting trick.

Oh trust me, it’s really cool stuff and it brings in fast results.

And when I say fast… I mean literally minutes from now.

So yeah, you could be literally getting traffic and making sales, minutes from now.

Pretty Sweet, right… And it gets better too.

Not only is this training free but the method itself is 100% free to implement as well

So yeah, you’re gonna get lightning fast results… Without ever spending a single cent.

Now I would say this training is for TWO types of people:

  • Complete beginners who want a complete money making system that brings fast results as soon as today for free
  • The more established marketer who wants a awesome new traffic method that will bring laser-targeted traffic as soon as today for free.

If you’re in one of these groups… Then you’re gonna love today’s free training.

Right then, I’m gonna shut up and leave you to it.

Just let me know what you think down below in the comment section.

Always love to hear what you guys think 🙂

Here’s the training anyway… Enjoy!

===Tools & Resources Mentioned in the Video===

Free “$688 a day” course <== someone made $25K in 30 days doing this!

Enjoyed that… Yet you’re hungry for more awesomeness from yours truly?

If so, then I’ve go something even more cooler than what you’ve just seen.

Here’s what it is:

For a limited time only, I’m gonna give you access to my BEST internet marketing course.

Now not only are you getting this free… But it’s also free to implement too.

It’s an absolute breeze to setup too…

You don’t need hosting, domain name… Or any of that techy stuff.

In fact, you don’t even need a website, full stop.

Brings in fast results too – one guy ended up making $25K in JUST 30 of following it

So yeah, it’s powerful stuff and you can have it free.

Just make sure to grab it ASAP as it won’t be available for much longer.

Just click the link below to get instant free access.

See you on the other side 🙂


A Sneak-Peek Inside my NEW Jackpot Paydays Course

After seeing what the beta testers said and the results they got…

You guys wanted me to give you more info of what’s inside the my new Jackpot Paydays course.

So what I’ve done is created a video showing you everything inside.

So you’ll learn:

  • How it’s laid out.
  • What you’ll learn.
  • The kinda money you can make.

Oh, and make sure to stick around till the end too…

This is because I’ll be telling you when you can get your grubby little mitts on it.

Anyhow, I’ll stop babbling and let you watch your “sneak peek” video… Enjoy!

What’s Inside My New Paydays System Course – Complete Video Walk Through

So what are you gonna do till Jackpot Paydays launches, eh?

Well… In the meantime you can checkout my latest step by step video training.

And don’t worry – it’s free to get access to and it’s free to implement too.

Pretty cool, right… But it gets better.

It’s really easy to setup and profit from too.

In fact, you don’t need a website, learn complicated languages or even get traffic.

Just follow the easy to follow step by step video… And you’ll be profiting in no time.

So how do you get access, huh?

Well all  you’ve gotta do is click the button… And that’s it!

But hurry – this training will only be available for a extremely limited time.

So if you want in right now for free, then click the button below to get free access.

See you on the other side 🙂


Beta Testers put my NEW Jackpot Paydays System through the Ringer [Results Inside]

Okay, you probably don’t know this…

But I’ve had a few peeps try out my new course.

Now there’s a few things you need to know.

First up, they got the incomplete version.

They only got 4 of the 7 modules you’ll be getting.

So keep that in mind when hearing what these folk have to say.

Secondly, I don’t really know these guys either.

I put an ad on the Warrior Forum looking for beta testers and they applied.

So they’re not my besties and their opinions are not biased.

(Although – that said – I’ve got to know ’em and they seem like awesome guys)

So what did they think of my brand spankin’ new Jackpot Paydays system?

Love it? Hate it? Thought it was pretty “meh?

Well, first up is Victor.

He’s been marketing online for 10+ years so this guy knows his stuff.

Anyway, here’s what he said:

Watch this video on YouTube

Second up is Gavin…

Now not only did Gavin checked out my new Jackpot Paydays system…

But he actually put it through the ringer and implemented it!

So the question is… Did he make any money? And if he did… How much?

Well, you can find out what he thought and the results he got here:

Now if you enjoyed that and you want more free stuff then listen up…

For a limited time, I’m giving my BEST money making course away for free.

Yup, you heard right, it won’t cost you a single cent to get access to.

And get this this:

Not only are you getting it free when you act today…

But it’s also 100% free to implement too.

Pretty cool, right 🙂

Also, it’s super easy to follow as well.

This is because I’ve designed the course to be as “step by step” as possible.

So it’s an absolute breeze to setup and profit from

So how do you get it?

Easy, all you do is click the button below… And that’s it!

So don’t hesitate and take massive action right now as it won’t be available much longer.

I’ll see you on the other side 🙂


How I Made $23,712.65 in JUST 7 Days using my Jackpot Paydays Formula


If you’ve been following my last few posts, I figured you’d want in on this.

Basically, I want to share the kinda money you can make when implementing this in your own business

Now the beautiful thing is, you don’t need a big-ass list to pull this off either…

Oh no, In fact, you can do this with tiny non-responsive lists and you’d still get stellar results.

As it goes, the first time I did this, I pulled in $11K in 1 day of a TINY list of just 2000 peeps.

Total “tyre ticker” list too – basically they’ve never bought a damn thing of me before.

So yeah, this stuff works… Really well, in fact 😉

Okay, so you probably want some proof, right (and I wouldn’t blame you either).

Well you’re in luck ’cause that’s what I’ve got for you right now.

So kick back, relax and see what is capable this powerful formula I plan to share with you.

How I Made $23,712.65 in JUST 7 Days using my WEIRDO Payday Formula

Now if you enjoy this and you want more FREE training then listen up!

For a limited time – I’m giving away a complete system you can use right now to make you money.

And not only is this free to get access to… But it’s doesn’t cost a single cent to setup and profit from either.

So if you’re a bit hard up for cash, and you want your hand held…

Then my FREE step by step video training will take you from start to finish on making a full time income from home.

Here’s how to get it:

All you’ve gotta do is simply click the big button below… And that’s it.

I know, right… Really easy.

So click that button to get free access to my money making system and start profiting as soon as today.

See you on the other side 🙂


How to Generate $20K Paydays Multiple Times a Month with TINY, Non-Responsive Email Lists


Okay, so what you’re about to see is a follow up to my last video

If you haven’t watched it yet, you can watch it here.

In that one, I walk you step by step $10,000 a month business model.

It’s really cool stuff and the feedback as been absolutely phenomenal so far.

So if you’re just starting out… That’s the best place to go.

Still here? Okay, let’s carry on…

Now this video is for the peeps who’ve got a bit of traction and really wanna ramp things up.

This is because, instead of making $10,000 a month… You’ll be pulling in $20K paydays

But hey, that’s not even the half of it…

Not only will you be able to pull in $20K paydays, but you can actually do this multiple times a month too.

Therefore, doubling, sometimes tripling your bottom line on a monthly basis.

It’s powerful stuff, indeed, and I’m pretty sure you’ll get awesome results when you put it into action too.

So that said, here’s the “$20K payday” video tutorial…

Enjoy.How to Sell Online Successfully & Make MORE Money Online FAST with Email Marketing

Watch this video on YouTube

===Tools & Resources Mentioned in the Section===

Previous Video: Free “$10,000 a month” video training

Now if you enjoyed that, and you want more, free stuff from me… Then boy have I got a treat for you…

I’m giving away a free step by step system where I walk you through the entire process on how to make $688 a day online.

and not only is it free to get access… But it uses 100% free to implement too.


People are lovin’ the training and I’m pretty sure you will too when you see it.

In fact, one guy made over $25,000 in JUST 30 days of implementing.

So you’ve got nothing to lose as it’s free and you could be making a full time income from home in just 30 days from now.

Just click the link below to get free access so you can put it into action and start profiting as soon as today!


Copy My Simple 4 Step Formula & Start Generating $10,000+ Every 30 Days WITHOUT Fail

Okay, got something REALLY cool for you today 🙂

Here’s what it is:

I’m gonna walk you – step by step – through the entire process of a “$10,000 a Month”
system you can use right now to make money online.

I’ve broken it down into 4 parts to make it super easy for you to implement too.

All you do is watch, take notes, then take MASSIVE action implementing the system.

Also, one more thing before we begin…

I’ve added something at the end which I think you’ll want in on.

Don’t worry – it’s completely free and I think you’ll dig it when you see it.

I only decided to do this last night so it was a last minute kinda thing.

So yeah, stick around – especially if you want more FREE stuff from yours truly 😉

Anyway, let’s crack on… Enjoy!

Watch this video on YouTube

===Tools & Resources Mentioned in the Video===


Weebly (Free drag & drop website builder)




Auto Responders:


Get Response

Listwire (100% Free but limited)


Warrior Forum



Pretty cool, right… Well stick around as I’ve got something else for you:

For a limited time only – I’m gonna literally take you by the hand and walk you step by step through a method you can use right now to make $688 a day online.

Yup, you heard right – not only  am I gonna take you step by step through the ENTIRE process – but I’m gonna flat-out give you it for FREE too!

So to get FREE access to this “EASY to setup & profit” system – just click the big yellow button below to get 100% free access!
