How to get Massive, Passive Traffic For Life using this FREE “Set & Forget” Formula…

If you think content is king, then I’m about to make you question that.

Look, I know this flies in the face of what the big boys say, but hear me out on this…

You see, content is absolutely useless if no bugger see’s it.

So with that logic, traffic must be king, right?

Well, not exactly…

Traffic is groovy but it means diddly-squat if you’ve got no where to send it to.

Blogposts, squeeze pages, sales letters – all these pages are classed as content, you see.

So no content means no money, and we can’t be having that, can we.

So the question is: who the hell is king? Content? Traffic? Elvis? My mate Dave?


Well, either of them, actually (although, Elvis is debatable).

You see, when it comes to content and traffic, one is useless without the other.

So you need both traffic AND content to succeed in this game.

Now believe it or not, content is incredibly easy to create.

If you’re knowledgable on the subject – you create it yourself.

If you’re NOT knowledgable on the subject – pay someone who is (it’s surprisingly cheap too)

But do you know what’s a pain in the utter ass?

Nope, not my mate Dave (however, that’s also debatable – sorry Dave), but traffic.

Now I’ll level with ya, like all newbies, I struggled with traffic when I started out too.

And apparently, I’m not the only – over 95% of online businesses fail in the first year.

So this got me thinking…

I don’t want you to fail, so I’m gonna share a simple, yet powerful traffic formula.

You just do as I say, create the content, then watch all the traffic roll in.

Sounds easy peasy, right? Well that’s because it is 🙂

So that said and done, here’s how to do it:

===Tools & Resources Mentioned in the Video===

Free “$688 a Day” video course <= Some guy made $25K in 30 days doing this!

Pretty cool, right, but just hold your horses for just in minute ’cause I’ve got something else for you.

Okay, so what is it?

Well, for a limited time, I’m giving away my latest and greatest course FREE.

Yes, it is indeed free – and not only is it free – but it’s free to implement too

And don’t worry if you’re a internet marketing newbie with zero IM experience either.


In fact, it’s REALLY easy as you don’t need a website, or learn “nerd” stuff.

And not only that, but it brings in fast results too.

Straight up, I’ve had tons of beginners grab it and get awesome results with it.

As it goes, there was one guy implemented it and ended up making $25K in 30 days.

Impressive, huh… And you get this free when you click the link below.

But don’t hesitate, otherwise you you’ll miss out and pay later for it

In fact, I plan on doing a big fancy-pants affiliate style launch.

So when I’ve got enough testimonials, I’ll be pulling it down and you won’t be able to get it free.

So click the link below and I’ll see you on the other side 🙂
